Tuesday 14 May 2013

My First Blog Post

This web log will have two main functions:
1) a sporadic personal log of the interesting things that I do and that happen to me
2) a platform on which I can opine and publish my musings

First things first- I should tell you a bit about myself.

I am 23 years old. I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.  I convocated in 2012 with a Linguistics degree, but haven't found full time employment in that field. Here is what I look like right NOW- also pictured is a cat I live with named Edgar.
I have lived my whole life in Saskatchewan, save three years I spent in the Bahamas as a child and probably another year I accumulated during short stints elsewhere in Canada (Vancouver, Whitehorse, Trois-Pistoles, Winnipeg).  This makes me a bit of a country bumpkin to some, but I love regional living and take great joy in the prairies and the people here. I would also argue that living your whole life in Saskatchewan vs someone who has lived their whole life in Vancouver for example, results in no more or less of a restricted world view.

I have many interests. I love reading, gardening, and fashion. I am interested in fitness and health. I enjoy crafting- knitting, crocheting, drawing, origami, jewellery making, embroidery etc. I am interested in social justice- particularly feminism, language vitality, minority rights, the environment and the food we eat.  I am greatly intrigued by all of these things but I don't do one or the other to an excess that would allow me to think of myself as an expert.  Thus, my blog won't be easily classified as a "feminist blog", "crafting blog" or a "health blog". Especially since I plan on crapping it up with my day-to-day stuff!


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